Friday 4 May 2012

4/5 Image Archives.. Testing in Summer

Last summer I was thankful to have some test shoots with various new faces for an agency, Angelo (left) was one of the new faces I shot with, a great character and pleasure to work with. Despite being on a hype from a couple of these street shoots.. school got in the way... again. So from June I'll be nagging away for collaborations and test shoots or assignments if I'm lucky to come across any, even some portrait sessions would be useful, so if there are any acting head shots or portraits you lot need you know where to come!

Thursday 3 May 2012

3/5 ..Dust

Dust! It's everywhere at the moment! Little imperfections are all over my work at the moment from out of line prints to internally dusty enlargers, don't get me started on the vignette.. thankfully to the digital side of things there are some resolutions to these problems.